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We are a grassroots movement composed of citizen
advocates who believe in democracy and
are prepared to fight to protect it




Preparation & Readiness 



This peaceful civil resistance action is proposed in a spirit to safeguard our Democracy.  


Join us while we prepare to call a sustained nationwide general strike and coinciding economic sanctions. Ultimately, a call for a sustained strike requires citizens to leave their jobs and to commit to remaining off work and limit spending until our demands are met. Until we have rallied sufficient public support, we will periodically make calls for different types of strike and spending boycott actions in preparation for a peaceful, sustained nationwide general strike. 


We want everyone to religiously adopt GrabYourWallet and BoycottKochBrothers initiatives and want these boycotts along with limiting purchases to the bare essentials to become a habit and to remain in force indefinitely. There are convenient apps available to use to help you. Additional suggestions for reducing spending can be found on the Strike Information page. To increase the impact of the boycotts, we will eventually invite our international friends to join us.


Once we have rallied millions of Americans to support the strike portion of this action, we will set a date for a sustained nationwide strike. A strike action is an effective nonviolent mass resistance action and when combined with boycotts and reduced spending can force government to meet our demands. Trump’s billionaire cabinet members may not be moved by compassion for human suffering, but they will act if their fortunes are impacted.


Our demands are as follows:


  • At minimum to negotiate the resignations of Trump, Pence and all suspected corrupt or complicit GOP with respect to Russian election interference & ethics violations; enact laws to prevent re-entry into political positions at every level through life-time bans and/or restraining orders

  • Hillary Clinton must take her place as the rightfully elected President of the United States in light of evidence of corrupt interference working to disrupt and dismantle democracy (Please be aware this demand is to preempt any possibility of back-filling the presidency and vice-presidency with any republican including those in the line of succession. This is a temporary measure until a new election is held)

  • Make minimum necessary reforms to electoral processes to ensure an improved level of fairness & integrity including but not limited to paper ballots and supervised hand counts

  • Set a date for a new election at the earliest date possible to coincide with reforms of electoral processes

  • Reverse all of Trump’s legislative and executive order actions including SCOTUS appointments and appointments of unqualified senior government officials and staff

  • Agreement to provide nationwide retraining of all law enforcement personnel with the goal of eliminating police brutality and racial profiling and to adopt a zero tolerance policy

  • End Citizens United


From the Washington Post   "But Trump seems to take pleasure in throwing acid into the face of convention. In his calls to lock up his electoral opponent; in his wink and a nod toward violence at his rallies; in his groundless accusations of being spied upon by his predecessor; in his Twitter taunting of congressional leaders; in his bold and obvious lies; in his dehumanization of migrants and refugees. Grace, dignity, empathy, integrity and kindness are stripped away, leaving the emperor naked but incapable of shame. Trump is the spendthrift of our public character, squandering an inheritance he does not understand or value.”




  Make the pledge to create a new beginning - Join us



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